Monday, September 10, 2012

Healthy Power Cookies

Cookies without flour, sugar, and eggs?! Cookies that give you long lasting energy not just a spurt before a crash?! Since our new baby boy arrived time is of the essence and I can barely find time to make a smoothie, let alone a good healthy breakfast. But I'm breast feeding and getting enough nutrients is a must so this recipe has become my new quick breakfast or 3am power snack.

Ingredients: 2/3 c of unsweetened applesauce, 1/3 c of peanut butter, 2 mashed bananas, 1 1/2 c of rolled oats, 1/4 c favorite nuts (optional), 1/4 c. chocolate chips (optional), 1 tbsp flax seeds (optional- I just sneak these in whenever I can), 1 tsp vanilla extract

Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix peanut butter and bananas together well. Add apple sauce. oats, vanilla, flax seeds, nuts, and chocolate chips. Let sit 10 minutes then scoop spoonfulls onto cookie sheet and press with a fork. Bake 30 minutes.

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