Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Prettiest Simple Salad You've Ever Seen

So cute it's hard to cut into, but over a bed of spinach it gets even better when deconstructed. Promise. Great for entertaining or a fun way to bring some creativity to the same old salad ingredients. I love this one!

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, cucumber, chopped fresh basil, chopped fresh spinach, extra spinach for bed, feta cheese.

Directions: Cut out the inside of the tomato, first cutting out the core, then scooping around. Cut the inside of the tomato up and add to mixture. Cut up some cucumber into small cubed chunks. Leave the skin on for more nutrients. Chop up some spinach and basil, sprinkle salt and pepper and mix all together. Scoop into tomato and put on a bed of spinach. Drizzle a little oil and balsamic vinegar if you need to, but it's good without too.

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