Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Power Quinoa Breakfast

This is an amazing breakfast that will keep you feeling full and light all day! Feel free to mix n' match any of the nuts or fruits. This is a good recipe to try the red quinoa if you're feeling like changing it up too. Enjoy hot or cold!

Ingredients: 1 c. milk or soy milk, 1 c. quinoa, 1/4c. your favorite nuts (almond slivers, cashews, walnuts), 1/4. c of your favorite dried fruit (cherries, cranberries, apricots, raisins, pomegranates), optional: dark chocolate shavings

Directions: Bring 1 c. water and milk/soy milk to a boil. Add quinoa and simmer for 15 minutes until the liquids are absorbed. Let stand for 5 minutes covered. Add nuts (I think they're better toasted first so they don't get soggy but if you're in a rush you can skip toasting them), dried fruit, and chocolate if you're feeling sweet.

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